Dramatic swirling flames provide greater heat efficiency
Available in Brass, Copper, & Nickel Plated, as well as Matte Black
and several Porcelain colors. The Black and Porcelain units require 8"
all fuel-chimney and the Plated units require 6" all-fuel chimney down
to the top of the hood.
The Spin-A-Fire is designed and manufactured with Malm's highest quality
for lasting beauty and excellent burning efficiency.
Outside Air model available.
Clearances: Combustible wall . . .24"
Built from U.S. Prime low carbon cold rolled steel plate.
Patent # 3.499.432
Tested to UL standard 737
Patent #3.499.432
You have to see the Carousel in action. The swirling flames produce a flame that is completely different from any fire you have seen. The flames never touch the glass therefore smoke is very slow to build up on the glass.The swirling action assures a complete burn so there is little ash.

Click here for complete Spin-A-Fire installation instructions in Adobe® pdf format.